Anyone who knows me, or has been following me on twitter for a while, knows that I would really love to be a on a season of The Real World. My best friend (@Mz_FEARLESS_90 on Twitter) did a “Top 10 Reasons @HighQuality08 Will Never Be on the Real World” during the D.C. season and it was quite hilarious. I wish I had favorited the tweets, but sadly, I didn’t. (I personally think the number 1 reason I wont be cast is because there has already been an Aneesa on the show. And even though my name is spelled differently, it's pronounced the same.) A few of the reasons she mentioned have to do with the amount of black people and the type of black people that MTV has been casting for the past few seasons.
Here are some of them:
The Black Guy Who Only Dates [insert non-black ethnicity here] Women:
This guy is very much in touch with his African American roots. He may wear dreads or a humungous afro,

Ty (D.C.)
The Slutty Black Chick:
This is probably the one and only black woman on her season (or for the past two or three seasons). She either has a boyfriend back home and is feeling like she’s missing something or she just recently broke up with her boyfriend of 2938920 years and now wants to make up for lost time. She gets drunk and dances on tables, makes out with random guys and eventually finds someone to do the horizontal stanky leg in the hot tub with. She’s probably really pretty but has a bad weave and doesn’t recognize herself worth until after she’s made a fool of herself.

Jonna & Jasmine (both from the Cancun season) *note: Jonna is not 100% black, but I considered her to be the whole time I watched the season.
The Uppity Black Guy:
This guy thinks he knows it all but in all reality, isn’t really too smart. He’s a graduate of either an Ivy League University or a big name HBCU where he was the president of the debate team, the school newspaper, or his fraternity. He’s a political conservative and insists on debating with everyone in the house about his right wing political views to the point that he offends someone and starts an argument. He’s very preachy about his religious views, but doesn’t practice them himself. He eventually has a moment of enlightenment and becomes best friends with whoever the token LGBTQI person is for that season.

Example: Stephen (Denver)
The Angry Black Woman:
This woman is what white people stereotypically think about when they think of black women: loud. She doesn’t back down when it comes to voicing her opinions and gets very passionate which causes the other cast mates

Coral (Back to New York) Aneesa (Chicago)
The Black Guy/Girl with the Troubled Past:
This person is the other stereotype that comes to Becky’s mind when she thinks of black people. This guy was in a gang, grew up in foster care and never had a father in his life to show him how to be a man. This girl turned to drugs to deal with the fact that she was a stripper/prostitute trying to make ends meet to feed her illegitimate daughter by the ex-boyfriend who left them for a white chick. They both make it into the real world house only to be nearly kicked out for wringing Becky’s neck when she tells him/her to go back to the ghetto.

Examples: Tyrie (Denver) Brianna (Hollywood)
The Womanizer:
This guy is gorgeous. All the ladies in the house mention his name in the confessional of guys they’d like to do the horizontal superman that ho with. He has more than a few notches in his headboard but has never had a real girlfriend because he doesn’t want to settle down. He’s a sweet talker who charms his way into the

Will (Hollywood), Alton (Las Vegas)
What do you think? Did I miss any stereotypes that MTV casts on The Real World?
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