Friday, January 27, 2012

Breaking Mr. Wrong's Hold

Sometimes in life, two people meet, fall madly in love and live happily ever after without ever having to go through constant ups and downs and heartbreaks. There are those few who get it right on the first try...then there are the rest of us.

There are times where the person that you give your all to doesn't want or just can't give you same love, respect and effort in return. Then you're forced to make a decision: continue to hold on to something that isn't there, or acknowledge the fact that you deserve better and remove yourself from the situation. But, sometimes breaking the hold that someone can have over you is easier said than done. There can be a list as long as your arm of reasons that relationship is no good for you and will never work, but that one thing will make you defy all logic and hold you back from making what seems to be the best decision for everyone involved.

The situation between me and Mr. Wrong has been ongoing since high school. To this day, I can't make heads or tails of it. It seems ridiculous to continue to leave your heart in the care of someone who doesn't have any value for it, but I've done it time and time again. I've never been able to figure out what it is that keeps me coming back, but I haven't exactly tried either. Going against your better judgement is a lot easier when you refuse to think with your head despite your heart.

I'm 21 years old. I've been wearing blinders in regards to this relationship for five years now. I've finally reached the point where I'm ready and willing to acknowledge the fact that it's time to move on. I don't know where to begin, but I can see the ending in sight. I know it won't be easy, but breaking the hold Mr. Wrong has had on me for all these years is the only way that I'll ever be able to figure out what I really want and value in life and who knows, it may even lead to finding Mr. Right...

Down, but not Out,
-Niss, The Trophy on the Shelf (Even if No One Stops & Stares)

#nowplaying Destiny's Child - Bad Habit

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