Friday, July 9, 2010

The Real World SUCKS!

Hey! I know I haven’t written a blog post in a while, but I’ve been busy with moving, working, finishing my summer class and a bunch of other crap that has had me too lazy to kept me from writing. But I’m back, to talk about MTV’s The Real World and why it has officially jumped the least as far as casting black people is concerned.

Anyone who knows me, or has been following me on twitter for a while, knows that I would really love to be a on a season of The Real World. My best friend (@Mz_FEARLESS_90 on Twitter) did a “Top 10 Reasons @HighQuality08 Will Never Be on the Real World” during the D.C. season and it was quite hilarious. I wish I had favorited the tweets, but sadly, I didn’t. (I personally think the number 1 reason I wont be cast is because there has already been an Aneesa on the show. And even though my name is spelled differently, it's pronounced the same.) A few of the reasons she mentioned have to do with the amount of black people and the type of black people that MTV has been casting for the past few seasons.

Here are some of them:

The Black Guy Who Only Dates [insert non-black ethnicity here] Women:
This guy is very much in touch with his African American roots. He may wear dreads or a humungous afro, afro pick sold separately wear Marcus Garvey t-shirts and make sure that the camera gets a clear shot of the copy of “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” on his dresser. When it’s time for him to bone hook-up with someone in the house (because face it, there are always hook ups) he decides that Hannah, the blonde with the DD’s from Arkansas is the most beautiful girl in the house and is who he would like to do the horizontal dougie spend his nights cuddled up next to. Then, later on in the season, he falls in love with her but she just wants to have fun and she doesn’t plan on having a relationship, taking him home to meet daddy, or ever seeing him again (that is, until the next season of The Real World/Road Rules Challenge.)


Ty (D.C.)

The Slutty Black Chick:
This is probably the one and only black woman on her season (or for the past two or three seasons). She either has a boyfriend back home and is feeling like she’s missing something or she just recently broke up with her boyfriend of 2938920 years and now wants to make up for lost time. She gets drunk and dances on tables, makes out with random guys and eventually finds someone to do the horizontal stanky leg in the hot tub with. She’s probably really pretty but has a bad weave and doesn’t recognize herself worth until after she’s made a fool of herself.


Jonna & Jasmine (both from the Cancun season) *note: Jonna is not 100% black, but I considered her to be the whole time I watched the season.

The Uppity Black Guy:
This guy thinks he knows it all but in all reality, isn’t really too smart. He’s a graduate of either an Ivy League University or a big name HBCU where he was the president of the debate team, the school newspaper, or his fraternity. He’s a political conservative and insists on debating with everyone in the house about his right wing political views to the point that he offends someone and starts an argument. He’s very preachy about his religious views, but doesn’t practice them himself. He eventually has a moment of enlightenment and becomes best friends with whoever the token LGBTQI person is for that season.

Example: Stephen (Denver)

The Angry Black Woman:
This woman is what white people stereotypically think about when they think of black women: loud. She doesn’t back down when it comes to voicing her opinions and gets very passionate which causes the other cast mates especially Becky from Arkansas who has only seen black people on television to label her “ghetto.” She never gets to do the horizontal tootsie roll during the season because she was cast with white men who aren’t attracted to her and the black guy who doesn’t like black women.


Coral (Back to New York) Aneesa (Chicago)

The Black Guy/Girl with the Troubled Past:
This person is the other stereotype that comes to Becky’s mind when she thinks of black people. This guy was in a gang, grew up in foster care and never had a father in his life to show him how to be a man. This girl turned to drugs to deal with the fact that she was a stripper/prostitute trying to make ends meet to feed her illegitimate daughter by the ex-boyfriend who left them for a white chick. They both make it into the real world house only to be nearly kicked out for wringing Becky’s neck when she tells him/her to go back to the ghetto.

Examples: Tyrie (Denver) Brianna (Hollywood)

The Womanizer:
This guy is gorgeous. All the ladies in the house mention his name in the confessional of guys they’d like to do the horizontal superman that ho with. He has more than a few notches in his headboard but has never had a real girlfriend because he doesn’t want to settle down. He’s a sweet talker who charms his way into the panties hearts of all the female housemates and random girls he meets at the bar. He repeatedly plays them all, but they all keep coming back.


Will (Hollywood), Alton (Las Vegas)

What do you think? Did I miss any stereotypes that MTV casts on The Real World?

#nowplaying Drake - Fireworks

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Life Lessons: Etiquette 101

Hello, folks! I’m back off hiatus. I’ve been neglecting my blog a little bit, but I’ve been busy, tired and lactose intolerant but stubbornly eating ice cream sick.

Today, I’m going to rant talk to you guys about general etiquette since some folks don’t have the good sense God gave them or parents that aren’t total morons taught them how to behave as children.

So, without any further adieu, here’s Lori Beth Denberge HighQuality08 with Vital Information for Your Everyday Life (You liked that flashback to the 90’s! Don’t lie to yourself.)

Bus Etiquette
Anyone who follows me on twitter knows me is aware that I have yet to get a driver’s license, therefore, I ride the bus everywhere. I actually like riding the bus. It gives me a lot of time to tweet think, read, and just hang out in my own little corner in my own little chair world. However, my bus rides aren’t always very pleasant. Some losers people don’t know how to act in public and have no consideration for anyone other than themselves.

1. Using your cell phone on the bus—sometimes there are phone calls that you can’t avoid, or that you absolutely need to answer. Even if you decide to take a social call on the bus, it’s not necessarily a distraction the moment you hit send. However, when you decide to scream on your phone at 7am on a Monday morning you’re asking for a bullet and a beatdown just being inconsiderate. Nobody wants to hear you using your outside voice to tell your girlfriend how much of a dead beat your baby daddy is or how you have to go to court on Wednesday because you waited for the lady at McDonald’s to get off work and fought her because she gave you 9 chicken McNuggets instead of 10. Nobody wants to hear that. The people on the bus are trying to nap or mentally prepare themselves for school or work and your rudeness is a distraction.

2. Get Yo’ Rugrats!—parents, keep Bebe’s Kids your children in check! Have a pep talk with them, make sure they know you have a belt and you’ll use it, beat them BEFORE you get on the bus, do what you have to do. You better make sure your little tax deduction precious gift from above isn’t screaming in my ear, kicking the back of my seat, or spilling juice all over the back of my shirt. I haven’t had a relaxer since August, therefore, if your 2-year-old feels like it’s funny to drop cheerios in my hair, I’m not going to be able to get it out and you’re gonna be paying for a professional to do so for me. Remember my famous last words: I fight kids.

Sidewalk Etiquette
Have you ever been walking on a sidewalk, in the mall, down a hallway, wherever, in one direction and someone else was walking in the opposite direction towards you? Of course you have. Eventually, your paths will meet. There’s always that one person who will just stand there and wait for you to poof yourself move out of their way. Like they’re too important to step to the side and let you pass. When approaching this situation, my motto is MOVE THE DEVIL OUT MY WAY! you have to give a little to get a little. If you move in one direction, I’ll move in the other, and we’ll both get to where we need to go. If not, I’ll stand directly in your way. I’m not about to move completely off of the sidewalk so that you can walk past. This ain’t the 1950’s.

“Excuse Me” Etiquette
Saying “excuse me” was probably one of the first rules of being polite that I was ever taught. It’s amazing to me how many people are rude haven’t been taught this general rule that’s more like reflex action to me at age 19. There have been so many times where I’ve said “excuse me” to someone who was standing in my way and they just looked at me or acted like they didn’t hear me at all. I have a volume control problem. I’m loud, without even trying. I know you heard me. But if I were to channel my inner Troy Polamalu and fly across the room and tackle you, I’d be wrong. And when I’m on the other side of the situation (I’m in your way and I don’t see you), just standing there is not an effective way to get me to move. Say “excuse me”, and I’ll kindly move out of your way, but if you just stand there with your mouth hanging open like an idiot silently waiting for my built in radar to alert me of your presence, you’ll be there for a long time.

Smoking Etiquette
This one annoys me more than the previous three. I rant about this on twitter all the time. If you’re a smoker, that’s your decision, but do me a favor and try not to kill me with your secondhand smoke! I’m in college and I’ve been living in the dorms for two years now. The buildings on my campus are non-smoking. There’s a rule where you are supposed to be 10 feet away from the door when you light up a cigarette. Please explain to me why every time I enter/leave any building on campus, my lungs have to be accosted? I have to fight my way through a cloud of smoke just to get to English class! Also, if I’m standing or sitting outside, don’t come and stand/sit next to me and light a cigarette. That’s rude. First of all, I don’t want to breathe in all that smoke. Secondly, I don’t want my clothes, weave hair, and other belongings smelling like Newports. That’s not what’s hot in the streets. That’s not sexy. If it was, they would bottle up the smell of Marlboros and sell it in a bottle.

Here are some signs that it’s okay to smoke around me:
1. I’m in a designated smoking area—if this is so, I asked for it. I might has well had been wearing a t-shirt that says “please, blow smoke in my face. Please and thanks.”

2. I’m smoking a cigarette myself—if so we can be smoking buddies! We can swap stories about how much money we’ve wasted on our habits and compare who’s breath smells the worst and who’s teeth are the most yellow!

If you want to give yourself emphysema, that’s all fine and dandy, but kindly leave me out of it.

Elevator Etiquette
If someone is inside the elevator and you’re waiting to get on, don’t bumrush the elevator before they get off. It doesn’t make sense. And it’s annoying. #thatisall

End Rant. Do you have any more etiquette tips to add? Do you know anyone who really needs these tips? Have you done any of them?

#nowplaying Amel Larrieux – For Real

PS: I was going to do “grocery store etiquette” since I work at one, but I’ve decided to make it a separate post going off the #angrycashiertweet hashtag I went in on on Twitter a week or so ago. (#shoutout to @qmoney225 who came up with it)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Lesson From Huey Freeman

Happy Hump Day everyone!

I’ll be leaving for Atlanta tonight around midnight and I’m not sure if I’m going to have access to the internet or not, so I figured I’d write and post this post before I leave.

Today’s post is going to be a lesson from Huey Freeman from The Boondocks. This clip is from the second episode from season 1 back when The Boondocks was still the best kept secret on television “The Trial of R.Kelly.”

You can fast forward to 1:27 and stop at 2:16

How is this relevant to my life?
I’m glad you asked.

I can’t even count how many times I’ve been creeping surfing Facebook, and I see someone’s status talking about “Free my homeboy!” “Free my baby daddy!” “Free my cuz!”

Me: *blank stare*

Oh, and let’s not forget the number of times #freeweezy has been in the top trending topics on Twitter. I personally don’t understand it. Like Huey said, a lot of people are set up for crimes, wrongly convicted or put behind bars for something ridiculous that was blown way out of proportion. However, the majority of people are behind bars because—get this—they committed a crime!

*surprised face*

Lil’ Wayne went to jail for the illegal possession of a firearm. Something serious. But yet, millions of people want him released because they like his music. So you mean to tell me that the number of records you’ve sold or your position on the Billboard charts should be reason enough for your crimes to be excused and swept under the rug so you can be free to commit more crimes?

As for people posting on Facebook for people to be released from jail when they obviously have every reason to be there…I don’t even have anything to say. It’s stupid. We live in a time where violence and criminal activity is glorified. So many people want the money, cars and clothes no Drake but they want it not now, but RIGHT now and they’ll do anything to get it. Then when it comes times to pay the consequences for their actions, everyone wants them “freed” and then they’re back on the streets doing the same thing they got in trouble for in the first place.

For the people posting these statuses and tweets: do you realize that nobody is going to “free” Weezy, Gucci or anybody else just because you post a status or tweet about it. You’re wasting your time. If you really care about them as much as you claim to and it’s not all for show, hold them down, write them letters, go visit them, but posting “free [insert name here]” on your status every day, is not showing support.

For the fools people that keep #freeweezy on the the tt board, #unfollowme.

#nowplaying Gym Class Heroes – Viva La White Girl

P.S.: Do you think I’m really going to spend my hard earned Giant Eagle check money on this? #cmonson

Friday, May 14, 2010

Beyonce's "Why Don't You Love Me" and Dealing with Sucky Relationships

Hey everyone! I’m back. And I’m doing something I thought I would never do…
*cues suspense building music*


A Beyonce post.

*ducks tomatoes thrown by Beyonce stans.*

Hold on. Before you pop off on me, call me a hater and put a hit out on me log off my blog, I’m actually going to say something good about Mrs. Carter.

Disclaimer: I am not now, nor have I ever been a Beyonce stan. (Don’t know what a stan is? See: Eminem’s video “Stan.” That’s where the term came from.) I’m actually a bit of a Solange stan. I think she’s awesome, but I’m also a bit of a weirdo a little different that the rest.

I’m not sure if you’ve seen her new video “Why Don’t You Love Me” yet. I haven’t seen it on television yet, and I wouldn’t have known that it existed if it weren’t for Twitter.

So, the reason I decided to start this blog, is because I’m an avid blog reader. I read about 10 blogs over the course of a week. The day after this video premiered, I saw a post by a female blogger about how the message behind Beyonce’s songs are giving Black women the wrong ideas about getting and keeping a man. First of all, if you’re taking advice from a five minute music video on how to find a significant other, I’m going to need you to get your lifespace in order. Music videos are for entertainment. They are not self help videos. If that’s what you’re looking for, go watch an episode of Tough Love on VH1 to your nearest Barnes & Noble bookstore and have someone direct you to the self-help section. There are plenty of people with degrees capitalizing off of your naiveté willing to help you out.

This blogger goes on to say that Beyonce’s message behind the video is a terrible one. She says Bey’s character in the video is completely obsessed with the fact that her love interest doesn’t love her and has completely lost her mind over a man who isn’t interested in her in the least bit. The character is basically saying “I’m everything you want and need in a woman. I’m perfect. Why won’t you fall in love with me so we can live happily ever after?”

I personally have to disagree with her interpretation of the video. The moral of the story is: I’m not perfect, but I’m freakin’ awesome. I’m not sure why you don’t love me, but whatever the reason, you’re a fool. Period.

I feel like women need to hear this. How many of us have been in a relationship or ten where you and the person you’re with are so compatible, but the person either doesn’t treat you the way you deserve to be treated, or the love just isn’t there?

*looks around the room*
*starts counting hands and quits*

Seriously, who hasn’t? There are some people who found “the one” and got it right on the first time but I ain’t talking to you the majority of us aren’t so lucky. A lot of people choose to stay in the relationship and continue to feel like something is missing, but at some point, most of us say “hey, this isn’t working,” and move on.

My interpretation: the question “Why don’t you love me?” isn’t an obsession. It isn’t a cry for help and it isn’t the first step in changing yourself so that the person you’re putting your all into will love you. It’s the first step in saying “you know what, this ain’t for me,” and doing what you have to do to make yourself happy and go after what you deserve.

A problem I did have with the video is all the uneccesary half naked-ness, but it’s Beyonce and you know that girl never saw a pair of pants she liked.

Also, is it just me, or does this video kind of remind you of Ashanti’s “Good Good” video?

#nowplaying Beyonce – Why Don’t You Love Me

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Alicia Keys' Unthinkable video and Interracial Relationships


I’m sure you’ve been living under a rock if you haven’t heard Alicia Keys’ Unthinkable from her The Element of Freedom album. My roommates played it in their car one day back in April, and I’ve been pretty much hooked ever since. I think I like it so much because it describes how I felt going after a guy I liked (who is now my boyfriend by the way). We were I friends for a long time and I wasn’t too keen on the long distance relationship thing, but since he wasn’t going to take that step and try to take it to that next level, then I was going to have to do it.

But I digress.

I was on Twitter (@HighQuality08) the other night, and people were talking about Alicia Keys’ video to the song and how they felt that it’s topic of interracial dating didn’t fit with the song. I wasn’t near a computer at the time and I was tired, so I didn’t watch it until the next day.

I personally feel like the video takes away from the song…well, my personal interpretation anyway. I don’t think that interracial dating was the way to get the point of the song across. If Alicia wanted to tackle an issue, I think same-sex marriage would have been the way to go.

It’s 2010. Interracial dating isn’t as controversial as it has been in the past. Where I’m from, seeing an interracial couple is just as common as seeing a couple that are both from the same ethnic background. A lot of people have a problem with the interracial dating (and interracial marriage) issue, but let’s face it, everyone isn’t going to like it. However, it’s common, it’s accepted for the most part, and most importantly, it’s legal. (Though it wasn’t always. See: Loving v. Virginia case of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1967.)

I subscribe to the theory that there’s someone out there for everyone. I believe that the man God put on Earth specifically for me is an African American. I’m a black woman and black men are what I’m attracted to (even though Robin Thicke is delicious). But just because that’s my preference doesn’t mean that someone else’s preference has to be for someone of the same race as them.

I don’t have a problem with interracial relationships. I’m not going to lie, I tend to give a severe side eye (o_O) when I see a black man with a white woman. But I don’t know their story. So it might be wrong of me, but I’m only human. My problem isn’t with black men choosing a white woman (or any other nationality) over another black woman. My issue is black men who choose NOT to date black women because “black women are (insert random over-generalized stereotype here).”

For real though?

*Blank Stare*

So, you mean to tell me that you’ve surveyed EVERY black woman on the planet and we’re ALL too emasculating? We’re ALL too dominating? We’re ALL too ghetto? We’re ALL too independent? We’re ALL gold diggers? We’re ALL cheaters? We’re ALL uneducated? We’re ALL sluts?

Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

This is the time where you leave comments and give me feedback. Did you see Alicia Keys’ Unthinkable video? What did you think about the topic of interracial dating as presented in the video? How do you feel about interracial dating period? Do you know any men or women (black or otherwise) that put down the opposite sex of their own race to justify dating outside their race?

#nowplaying Alicia Keys - Unthinkable

Facebook 101: This is What You Don't Do

As a college student, I spend a lot of time creeping on surfing Facebook. I’ve had an account since tenth grade, but really started using it regularly after I graduated from high school.

I’ve been spending less and less time on there because I’m a twitterholic all the tweenagers from MySpace have taken over and it’s starting to get really ridiculous. The only reason I haven’t deleted it is because I’m a creeper the events part of Facebook is the only way I know what programs are happening on campus.

So, for those who use Facebook, here’s my list of things you don’t do:

1.) Abuse of the caps lock button.


Why are you screaming? Where’s the fire? There are some people on my friends list that always type in all caps and I automatically feel like you’re yelling at me. It takes me back to my childhood and I don’t like it. Don’t ever leave me alone with your computer, because I’ll repossess your caps lock key.

2.) Using a fake name.

Example: Your name is Monica Williams. Your FB name is Denise Lewis.

What girl!? I can understand not using your last name for whatever reason and just using first and middle, but completely changing your name? Who are you hiding from? Do you have warrants? If so, changing your FB name does not mean the proper authorities won’t find you. And I knew FB was becoming MySpace when names like: Alana SlickerThanYourAverage Harris started popping up on my newsfeed. SMH.

3.) Pictures your mother/grandmother/father/pastor would be ashamed of.


Maybe it’s just me, but I cringe every time I see anyone (particularly young women) with pictures of them squatting in a dress, with their butt towards the person taking the picture, giving the camera the finger. Even if your parents wouldn’t be ashamed of this, a lot of employers check FB and I doubt they’re going to want to hire you when they come across a pic of you giving a drunken lapdance, despite how good your resume is.


The first thing I learned when I got to college. No description necessary. ESPECIALLY if you’re underage.

5.) Arguing on someone’s status.

I see this happen so often and it’s really ridiculous. Usually, it’s two women arguing over a guy. I always want to comment and ask them: Do you realize we can see you? If it’s something that big that you need to have an argument, you should sit down like adults and discuss it. If not, let it go. You look like a fool arguing in front of your entire friends list over some guy. And at the end of the argument, nine times out of ten, he’s still messing around with both of you. So if you’re still going to put up with it, you might as well stop making yourself look dumb.

6.) Changing your status every 12 minutes.

Please get yourself a twitter. And follow me (@HighQuality08)I follow back =]

7.) Typing like a moron.

Example: Alyssa Moore: iiz liist3ninq to thaat nuu mon1ca album thaat joiint iz crazii hott Ev3rii qyrl shud list3n 2 iit!

* Tyra Banks fast blink* Even attempting to read something like this makes my head hurt. You’ve just disrespected my eyes, my brain and the rules of grammar and syntax with one (run-on) sentence. And this isn’t just 14 year-olds typing like this. I’ve seen grown people do it! Grown people with children! *weeps for the up and coming generation* Okay, I’m back, but please stop this before I cry again.

8.) Trying to be intellectual and you’re not.

Example: James Daniels: thinks we should take action against the issue that the students on are campus our so upset about instead of just conversating about it. If your not going to take action, than theirs no point in being mad.

o_O. Dude. First of all, I’m going to need you to learn the difference between your/ you’re, their/there/they’re, are/our. That’s third grade English class. Secondly, conversate isn’t a word. The word is converse.

Have you ever seen any of this ratchetness on your timeline? Leave feedback and rant below :)

#nowplaying Monica - Mirror

A Little About Me


*daps you up*
*high fives*
*ridiculously long, unnecessary handshake*

Ummmm, ok. I’m done.

Anyway, welcome to Unpredictably HighQuality! Thanks for reading my blog. I’m full randomness and I felt like this would be a fun outlet. I figured I should let you know a little about myself in order for you to understand where I’m coming from in of my posts. So, here we go:

*clears throat*

*drum roll*

I’m Niss :)

I’m a 19 year old college junior majoring in Secondary History Education & minoring in American Politics. (It’s not a big name school, so I’m not even going to bother giving you the name. Just know that it’s one of the top schools in the state for my major, and it’s in the middle of nowhere.)

I’m from somewhere in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Small city (and I use that term loosely), mostly Caucasians, but the high school I graduated from was 85% black (you figure that one out).

I hate the word ghetto. I’ve heard a lot of white girls use it as synonymous with anything pertaining to being black (usually negatively) so I’ve stopped using it. I’ve also been trying to stop saying the n-word. I feel like if I wouldn’t want someone of another race saying it to me, I shouldn’t say it either.

I’m a hugeeee Steelers & Pirates fan (no, I don’t live in Pittsburgh) but I also really like the Jets. (& for the record, I think Ben Roethlisberger did it #justsayin)

I’m transitioning from relaxed to natural so my hair looks really weird right now and is causing me a lot of grief.

I’m a very frugal girl. I clip coupons every Saturday and I get really excited about it (its my old lady habit).

I love music. I’ll listen to anything once.

iTweet (@HighQuality08)

I’m random. I’ve been told I’m funny and I am, but I’m just being me. If you don’t like it, feel free to click on that little red x at the top right hand corner of your screen. If not, take off your shoes and stay a while =D